December 5, 2013

Christ The Door of Heaven

"Oh, what a mercy that you are not already in hell, and that there is a door open to you into heaven! That door is Christ. "I Am the Door." Cease striving to enter heaven by the door of your good works and religious duties; by the merits and intercessions of men, of saints, or angels. There is but one door into heaven—faith in the Savior, who died for sinners on the cross, and whose blood and righteousness supply all the merit God requires, or man can bring. Jesus came to save sinners—saves them now, saves them to the uttermost, saves there freely and forever. Why not you?"
--Octavius Winslow, Our God 

December 3, 2013

Twitter Tuesday

 Zebulon Carpenter(@ResurrectedZeb)One of the most arrogant things I can think of is for a Christian to believe that he *could* lose his salvation, but hasn't.

Kevin DeYoung(@RevKevDeYoung)Being bold does not mean you say everything that can be said the first time you have an opportunity to say anything.

Nathan Finn(@nathanafinn)Why one bright seminarian opted not to pursue a Ph.D. Worth pondering if you are considering Ph.D. studies.