At the end of I Corinthians, Paul is closing his letter with final encouragements, writing by his own hand. His heartfelt desire for the return of Christ springs forth in a brief prayer to Christ:
... O our Lord, come! (1 Corinthians 16:22, New World Translation)
In the NWT Reference Bible, there is a cross-reference at this point to Revelation 22:20, which reads as follows:
"He that bears witness of these things says, ‘Yes; I am coming quickly.’" "Amen! Come, Lord Jesus." (Revelation 22:20, New World Translation)
Jesus is coming! These precious prayers spring instantly from the saints, offered without hesitation in full faith in the one they call on. Both Paul and the author of Revelation pray to Jesus, asking him to come. They pray to Jesus. This is spontaneous prayer to Jesus, reflected in the Jehovah's Witness translation of the Bible. These biblical passages contradict what the Watchtower teaches JWs worldwide. The organization tells them it is unacceptable to pray to Jesus because he is not God. And yet... their own Bible tells them otherwise. Paul and John prayed to Jesus.
Who is the Watchtower to restrict what these apostles demonstrate by their own prayers to the Coming One? Is this how the "biblical religion" of the Watchtower works? The words and rules of men overrule the Word of God? It is deadly dangerous to trust the words of men over the Word of God. You are in danger if you eat their so-called 'food in due season'. The so-called spiritual feast of the Watchtower religion is, in reality, corruption and death, killing the soul with rules that directly contradict the Word of God.
Jehovah's Witnesses, time and time again you go house to house and try to convince people that the Watchtower religion is the only true and biblical faith. How can a religion be called 'true and biblical' when it restricts people from following clear teachings of the Bible? The Watchtower places its own words as more important than the inspired text of Scripture. The Scriptures teach, proclaim, and demonstrate the faithful practices of the apostles and early church.
You are safe in following these fine examples of faith found in the Bible. Call on Jesus today! He can hear your prayer and will be faithful to answer it.
Come, Lord Jesus.